Shymkent region
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- Parent Category: Внутренний туризм
- Published on Monday, 13 September 2010 05:40
- Hits: 30793
Shymkent region.
It stretches from north to south - 620 km., From East to West - 520 km. Total area - 114,000 square kilometers.
According to statistics on 01.08.2006g. in Shymkent region is home to 2,333,568 people. Among them: the Kazakhs - 1551529, Uzbeks 355 69 -149 771 Russian, Azeri - 28159, Tajiks - 25702, Tatars - 21968, Turkmens - 20276, Koreans - 9858, Ukrainians - 9213, Kurds - 7 749, Germans - 3724, -3628 Uighurs, Iranians - 2626, Chechens - 2484, Greeks - 1506, Kyrgyz - 1390, Poles - 200, etc. - 8889.
In the region there are two mountain ranges: Karatausskaya - the highest point of Bes-saz (2,176 m); Zapadnotyanshanskie Ridges Karzhantaussky, Ugam, Pskem - the highest point Sairam peak (4236 m).
Significant rivers Syr Darya begins in Kyrgyzstan flows into the Aral Sea (2,137 km.) Inflows - p. Aris - starts at Chokpak gorge, taking a river. Dzhabagly, Ak-su (122 km.) Badam - (137 km.) Sairam-Su (172 km.), P. Keles (236 km.) - A tributary of the Syr Darya.
Chardarin Reservoir - 5.6 billion cubic meters water.
Bugunskoe Reservoir - 375 million cubic meters water. Badam Reservoir - 2 million cubic meters. m of water.
Researchers our region were such eminent scientists as: NA Severtsev, prof. Neustroev, Olga Knorre, Shishkin, Linchevskiy, Korovin. They found that the soil of our land, light and dark gray soils are very fertile, as this is the bottom of the ocean "Tethys".
They have divided our area by 6 floristic zones.
1. Betpakdala.
2. Muyunkumskaya.
3. Kzylkum.
4. Turkestan.
5. Karatausskaya.
6. Tien Shan.
Betpakdala floristic area.
The reeds by Chu, on the Syr Darya was driven Turkestan tiger, the latter killed the reeds of the Syr Darya River in 1945 Earth - desert clay. Basically grow Artemisia: Artemisia endemic floral, betege viviparous, monument of the bulbous everywhere creates a green background, sedge desert, Sophora, acacia. Stretches pasture, are found antelopes and gazelles.
Muyunkumsky floristic area.
From the lower to the Tau Chu. Dunes, shifting sands, 350 meters above sea level. Saxaul, Ching silver, acacia-peskodrev, horsetail ephedra, rye sand, timothy, eriantus (herb from India)
Sophora, sferofiza. In the valley. Chu - tugai.
Kzylkum floristic area.
West during the Syr Darya, the shifting sands, dunes, peskodrev, saksaul black and white, ephemera, of monuments, itsichek-anabasis, wormwood different, Echinops belostebelny (endemic).
Turkestan floristic area.
Tsitvarnaya wormwood, psoralen kostyankovaya-bee plant (ak-Qur'an), anabasis leafless, it is harvested for chem. pharm. Plant. Anabasine sulfate, anabazodust exported to 60 countries, is sold for gold. Sophora lisohvostnaya - quarantine weed. Tamarisk - tamarisk - Jing is a beautiful shrub.
Syrdarya Tugai.
Syr-Darya poplar - turancha 5-6 m tall, silver goof (jida), sea buckthorn, Ching silver, tamarisk, narrow-leaved cattail, Susak umbrella, water pepper, vine - clematis east. Pheasants, wild boars, jackals. In the eighteenth century there were a tiger and deer - hangul.
Karatau floristic area.
2000 species of flowering plants. Tau ridge was an island of the Tethys Ocean. Evolution was a distinctive way, so there are many endemic species. The Caspian Sea, the Aral Sea, Balkhash - the remains of the ocean. In the gorge there Boraldayskom prints of marine fish. The deposits of white quartz sand and shark teeth in them.
West Tien Shan floristic area.
In Shymkent region there are about 3,000 flowering plants. 1,306 of them in Aksu Dzhabagly reserve. The diversity of species composition due to a variety of environmental factors. Crocus (saffron) Alatau of the iris family, incorrectly referred to herein as snowdrops, vesennik dlinnonozhkovy of the buttercup (ephemeral) rinopetrium of the lily - the poison, anemone Cherenkov radiation - the poison-5 petals, like golden stars on a background specimen of. Goose onions cannula, Corydalis Severtsev, horsetail ephedra, St. John's, Loch silvery, sweet clover, everlasting, yarrow, tansy. Lucerne Blue (root system up to 18 m), red clover, white clover, rank grass, burning bush (fraxinella)-strong poison skin is pink with blue-veined flowers. Juniper Talas - 12 m, juniper - fixer mountain soil, maple Semenova, prongoz stern, astragalus Severtsev, clary, lobed nightshade. Lomonosovidny kadanopsis or tyangshen - a substitute for ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, aconite rotundifolia Talas. Rosehip Beggera, Mabuza, large nard, wild cherry ......
Ladies and gentlemen, Season Travel Kz company organizes a trip to the South Kazakhstan region with visits to ancient cities such as Turkestan and Sairam, Sauran, Otrar and introduce you to the historical and architectural monuments of the Great Silk Road.