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- Parent Category: Внутренний туризм
- Published on Thursday, 02 September 2010 10:24
- Hits: 54374
Mausoleum Domalak Ana
From Shymkent Dulati leave the street in the direction of country houses, drive through aul Borolday. For the aul right, 1.5 km from the road, on a hill stands the mausoleum complex Domalak Ana. Near the mausoleum garden, living quarters for staff, places of worship.
The mausoleum was erected in 1998 on the site of the old dome tetrahedral structure with two towers. Executed in the form of a rotunda, a cylindrical volume is decorated with six niches. In the southern entrance alcove has an opening with a jumper. Wide pilasters are based on a low base and support the overhanging eaves strip of three benches, the articulation of the dome. The interior decor elements do not. The inscription in Kazakh language made on the wall at the entrance to the mazar, reports: "A monument in honor of the Great Mother Bibizhar, daughter Aksultana." Located nihse quatrain called to honor the memory of their mothers. The height of the monument of 12 meters, is lined with white stone from Magystau.
Domalak Ana is known to all the Turkic-speaking peoples. The true name of the Holy Mother Nurila. Mention of Bibizhar-Nurilya found in ancient Persian manuscripts. She was the youngest wife of a famous military leader Baydibek-beating. Their son Tleuberdi (Zharykbas) occurred Kazakh kind: dulat, Alban, Xuan. They lived 1200 years ago, roamed the valleys Kara Tau, Tau, Kazgurt. For his wisdom and goodness it received from the people Domalak name Anna.
Mausoleum Baydibek Ata
Baydibek-Ata Mausoleum built in the village Baydibek Baidybek area near the village Kenes. The mausoleum was built next to the graves of the five Great Mothers: Marau (Sarah Bybee) Zerip, Kara-checkers, Zhupar, Standy, of which there have been kind: ares-Uysun, shapyrashty, Oshakty, ysty. Baydibek-Ata was biy, the brave commander. By nature - peacemaker. In the name of association zhuzes one of his daughters married off ortho Horde, the second - in Kishi Horde. He wanted one nation, one state. Popularly known as "Ultsh uyytkysy" - "leaven" of the Kazakh nation.
They built the mausoleum and complex in 1996-98. Chief Architect of Sadyrbaev. Used Tashkent yellow brick, white marble from Yuraty of Taraz and Tau - red granite. Participated in the construction of the master of Samarkand, Tashkent, Sairam, Shymkent. The mausoleum Baydibek-Ata can go to the Chayav, Algabas, Zharty Tobe and go to the mosque.
The mosque-mausoleum of Baba-Ata
The architecture of the late XIX century, is situated in the medieval fort. Construction associated with the name known in the neighborhood preacher of Islam. The mausoleum is laid out square burnt brick masonry at the front axle destroyed the vaulted roof of the portal. Characterizes the latter type of longitudinal-axial complex of medieval mosques, mausoleums, is dvuhkupolny construction. The dominant importance is given to the volume of the mosque, the overlap spheric-conic dome on an octagonal drum. The main facade is highlighted monumental portal strehchetvertnymi turrets at the corners of a three-tiered piers and pylons. In the hall of the mosque is the tomb, a memorial room, auxiliary facilities. The walls are plastered and whitewashed rooms. Mikhrab niche and iodkupolny epigraphic frieze decorated and floral paintings, executed in the technique of "Kyrma."
Ramazanova A.A.
Ladies and gentlemen, Season Travel Kz company organizes a trip to the South Kazakhstan region with visits to ancient cities such as Turkestan and Sairam, Sauran, Otrar and introduce you to the historical and architectural monuments of the Great Silk Road.