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- Published on Thursday, 02 September 2010 05:48
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South Kazakhstan region
South Kazakhstan since ancient times had a special place in the history of Kazakhstan and across Central Asia. Region, where the Great Silk Road flourished. Cities Otrar Ispidzhab, Sygnak, Sauran Suzak, Turkestan were not only shopping centers, but the centers of science and culture. Edges are proud to Abu Nasir Al-Farabi - the second Aristotle East, born in Otyrar, Cork ata Hodja Ahmet Yassavi ...
Traces of past centuries are preserved in the architectural monuments in the form of a mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yassavi Arystan Baba Abdul Aziz, a measure of Baba Karashash Ana, Ibrahim Ata, madrasas Appak Ishan.
South Kazakhstan region is spread over 117.3 kilometers. In the eastern part of the Turan lowlands and the western spurs of the Tian Shan. The northern part of the area occupied by desert Betpakdala, in the extreme south - Hungry Steppe - Myrzashol. Mountain ranges are ranges Karzhantau, Ugamsky the highest point - Sairam peak (4238 m). Tau ridge stretches from the northwest to the southeast in the middle of the field.
The length of the South Kazakhstan from north to south - 620 km. From east to west - 520 km. The average flow of the river Syr-Darya (2137 km.), Tributaries Aris - 336 km, Keles - 236 km., Jabagly Su - 72 km., Aksu - 122 km., Sairam Su - 72 km., Badam - 75 km. The region is located two mountain ranges: Karatausky - the highest point of Bes Saz - 2176 m and Western Tien Shan, ridges Karzhintausky, Ugam, Pskem.
The researchers of the South Kazakhstan region were such prominent scientists as Severtsev, Neustroev, Knorre Regel. The climate is continental. Winter - warm, soft, summer - hot and dry, light and soil edges brown, gray soils are very fertile, as in the distant past were bottom of the Tethys Ocean. Here there are many endemic species. The area is divided into 6 floristic zones: Betpakdala, Muyuikumskaya, Kzylkum, Turkestan, Karatausky, Tien-Shan. The region includes four cities of Turkestan, Kentau, Aris and Shymkent, 14 rural districts. According to the Statistics Department of 01.01.06 on the territory of South Kazakhstan region is home to 2,333,568 people. Among them: -1551529 Kazakhs, Uzbeks - 355 069 -149 771 Russian, Azeri - 28159, Tajiks - 25 702 -21 968 Tatars, Turkmens -20276, Koreans - 9858, Ukrainians - 9213, Kurds - 7 749, Germans - 3724, Uighurs - 3628, Iranians - 2626, Chechens - 2484, Greeks - 1506, Kyrgyz - 1390, Poles "200, etc. - 8889.
According to one source, Shymkent, a city settlement already existed in the VI century AD. Historians associate it with the famous ambassador traveler Syuan-Jiang, believing that there was a suburb of Shymkent Isfidzhab. There is also speculation that Shymkent more than 1,300 years old, based on the presence of burial mounds located at the end of the street Al-Farabi. Also commonly believed that the city was formed in KP century. These data are taken from the book A Dobrosmyslova. "Cities of the Syr-Darya region," where he says: "The name of the city of Shymkent comes from the words" denote "," turf and "ares" - the city ... Residents Shymkent include the time of its occurrence to the XII century, referring to the fact that there is a tomb of Saint Baba Dervish, a contemporary of Khoja Ahmed Yassaui. However, documentary evidence attesting to this fact, did not survive. "
The first mention of the city we meet in "ZafarrName" - the book historian era of Timur and Timurid Sharafadina Iezdi, who reported that in 1365-1366 years. in modern reckoning Timur, going to war against Mogolistan found their carts near Sairam, in the village of Shymkent. This is the first specific mention in written sources of Shymkent, which may in the absence of other data serve as the basis for a decision on the date of his birth.
Shymkent was founded at the intersection of trade routes in European Russia, Central Asia, Western Siberia and China. The once along the Silk Road of Central Asia and China caravans that stayed relax in the lush oasis at the intersection of rivers and Badam Koshkarata. Here and formed a small settlement.
In the history of the city, there are many interesting facts, try to look into the past. In the 90 years of the XVIII century, the southern territory of the Great Horde, including the District of Shymkent, life captured Tashkent, Yunus-Bek Hodge. Then, at the turn of the XIX century in Central Asia had the Khanate of Kokand. Kokand hai Alim, subjugated Tashkent, has taken a number of aggressive campaigns in South Kazakhstan, capturing several towns, including Shymkent. For the province established the supremacy of the feudal lords of Kokand. In the conquered lands was set to severe exploitation and terror.
In 50 years, the governor of the Kokand Khan in southern Kazakhstan was Ahmed Mirza. When it Kokands taken the Kazakhs best pastures, irrigated fertile land, and those who could not pay the tax, children forcibly removed and sold them into slavery. This has led to widespread revolt in 1858 that covered almost the entire territory of South Kazakhstan from Shymkent to Merka.
Despite the defeat, the rebellion hastened the overthrow of the power of the rulers of the Kokand and the completion of the accession of Kazakhstan to the Russian ...
"Who in Shymkent did not happen, he lost a lot in life," says elders. Shymkeit today - one of the largest industrial and cultural centers of Kazakhstan with a well-developed infrastructure. It is the administrative center of South Kazakhstan.
In terms of population contemporary Shymkent ranks third behind Almaty and Karaganda, has more than 600,000 residents, representatives from more than 95 nationalities.
Ramazanova A.A.
Ladies and gentlemen, Season Travel Kz company organizes a trip to the South Kazakhstan region with visits to ancient cities such as Turkestan and Sairam, Sauran, Otrar and introduce you to the historical and architectural monuments of the Great Silk Road.