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- Parent Category: Внутренний туризм
- Published on Monday, 13 September 2010 05:46
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About mandragora and the queen Zarine
In Moscow, the university library, there are records of the historian Ctesias, "The people are so fond of Zarina that it was buried in the pyramid, and put it on top of the statue, cast in gold. They also found a 23-volume treatise Ctesias 'Peach' story Saka Queen Zarina. Zarina's husband Khidr was slightly built, weak health, and all the affairs of the state has entrusted its smart and courageous wife. Soon after he died, she became a full-fledged queen Saki state. She entered a political marriage with Mermer - Parthian prince. This led to war with the Medes, which is composed of Lydia. In one battle Zarina was wounded and was taken prisoner by Spiriangeyu (husband of the daughter of King Astibar). Spiriangey, admiring the beauty and courage of Queen Zarina gives her freedom. In another battle Spiriangey captured by Mermer. Zarina Mermer asked to give it to her captive, but a jealous Mermer does not. Then she killed the guards by Mermer and releases Spiriangeya. Once home, the Prince Spiriangey who loves Zarina, Astibar king asks him to let her into the country Saks ambassador. Having given his credentials, Spiriangey tells her about his feelings. Sarin wisely admonishes him not to go on about the feelings. She tells him that it would lead to an unnecessary bloody war. To which he said, "I saved your life, and that gave you the opportunity to enjoy your present position, and you're killing me, forgetting what I must. If your actions are good concerning me, that life is lived out in joy and happiness! If your actions are not perfect, but you will experience what I experienced at your mercy. " Throwing off his tunic and sandals Spiriangey, called his officers and demanded the sword ... Again, a space, and we do not know relented Zarina or Spiriangey killed himself.
Under a layer of pink sands Zarina sleeps, and old books are stored in the memory of generations of imperishable beauty, the fabulous tomb of love lovers, who grows magic mandrake.
About the book "Zafar - Nameh"
Books live on 300 - 500 years, manuscripts and more than 1,000 years. In 1897, at the Paris World Exhibition attention of connoisseurs of Eastern culture was focused on the rare tome "Zafar - name" Sharafutdin Iezdy Ali, who lived at the court of Shah Rukh in Herat. "The Book of victories" tells the story of a lush history of Timur and his colleague Nizametdinov Shami. The manuscript is written in Samarkand in 1437, and perepechatnik puts the date 1627. The book is decorated with 12 colorful miniatures that its balanced composition and bright colors reminiscent of miniature painting school of Bukhara. The manuscript was valued at 300 rubles in gold, but the owner Muhidinhozha for the price to sell the manuscript refused. It belonged to Babur, a descendant of Hudoyarhanu then his (father's wife Muhidinov). The manuscript of "Zafar name" in the Samarkand list back to Turkestan. The noble patriotic gesture was appreciated Mukhitdin: Baron Vrevsky urged him to tea: requested that Mukhitdin gave him the manuscript for Russian tsar, Mukhitdin promised but came home and was looking for a way to give the gift. Vrevsky thundered.
In 1920 in Tashkent Sheylantaurskom market was closed burqa girl and exposed corner of the book - a mourning veil, sold it. Bought casual speculator. It took another 20 years, celebrating 150 years since the birth of Alisher Navoi, got one of the scholars of ancient books, showed a copy of the book, Professor Semenov Muhidinov. The professor turned pale, "Zafar - name" with the Paris exhibition, but the price requested by speculators who do not fit into the annual budget. They took a receipt for the safety of the book, giving 4950 rubles. "Well, cunning" - surprised by the seller. "I know all the tricks of the trade, but you tricked me." And he gave the book. This story was told Abdukhamid Polat, a member of the library board.
About Sarymergen. On a red hunter.
Vaul near the station Badam live wild ass - Kipchak. Once upon a time in the reeds Badam hunted Sarymergen (red and accurate hunter). One day, after a successful hunt, do yourself a simple dinner at the stake - roast hare. Once he started the meal, at the light came to him pretty woman in a white long silk dress with long sleeves. He pulled her to eat. She took pieces of meat sleeves without showing your fingers. Auburn was accurate and observant and intelligent guy. He thought, "I think I figured out who you are - you Zheztyrnak (gugayskoe monster with copper nails). When the woman left, Sarymergen began to prepare a bed. On the mound, he put his cuff (headdress). He himself went into the tight and bow pointed at the mound. Soon came Zheztyrnak and began to choke him cuff thinking that underneath Sarymergen. Sarymergen shot and killed Zheztyrnak. And then a miracle: the clearing became as bright as day, the sky opened the shutters of them appeared on the stairs and it went down 12 girls - one more beautiful than the other: they began to drive around Sarymergena dance, praise him, thank him. It turns out Zheztyrnak annually took away one of the sisters to kill and eat, and Sarymergen freed them from such a cruel monster. Then as if by magic, appeared yurt, which poured fragrant mare, in the centers already brewed beshbarmak. Was swing - altybakan, in which the girls were swinging and singing songs of praise Sarymergenu. Then they said, "Choose one of us will have fun bride and 9/9 days and nights, and if able to stand and not fall asleep, one of us, chosen by you, stay with you and be your wife." The bride and groom sang Jar-Jar, sprinkled with large gold coins were happy, fun. Those were the happiest days in the life of our red hunter, but on the ninth night, he fell asleep, and when I woke up or yurts, no swing, no girls were not. "I dreamed it all!" He thought, but felt in his zhanbas (thigh muscle), a gold coin. And remember, that's all it was, but he was not able to fulfill the conditions to end the ninth night of sleep. Slightly subdued himself, then went to work, hunt and remembered. And one day, after 9 months after the holiday, again clearing out of the sky lit up and down the stairs to his sweetheart with a baby in her arms. She gave it to him and said: This is your Amanat, then climbed the stairs and went to heaven. Remained a lone father Amanat with his hands and thought how I nourish it. And he sees the reeds lame ass, breastfeeding her baby. Tells her Sarymergen: Feed and my orphan. The donkey began to feed both babies. Boy grew up strong, became a young slender, handsome, and married. The people who went away from him, he began to call himself Kulan - Kipchak, in honor of her grandmother's breast.
About Serke (XVI century)
Sometime in the Syrdarya river valley were rich villages inhabited by Kazakhs, hunted agriculture, animal husbandry, and fishing. And he walked on these aouls akin Serke, played sybyzgy (flute made of reeds) beautiful songs of his own. The people loved him everywhere he was a welcome guest. One day he saw akin Serke girl who was beautiful as the moon, his eyebrows as arc eye clean and deep, like water in a spring. And she went up on the ground as smoothly and beautifully as a goose in the water. Heart bard was immediately captivated, and he tells her ingenuously: "I fell in love you, be my wife." To which she threw up her beautiful high brow and said, "Who you are? You - a tramp, that's when I'll be able to wear earrings on your ears that would shine like cat's eyes ... "- she laughed a silvery laugh, and went on her beautiful gait. Serke was sad. So he went to the shore Darya and began to sing their saddest songs, and I heard, "Oh Serke, why are you so sad today?" - Next to him sat a jungle cat. In those days, the wild animals to understand and speak like humans. Serke told him as a friend of the girl who was beautiful as the moon, had his eyebrows as arc eye deep clean as springs and walked the earth as smoothly and beautifully as a goose in the water. "Oh, Serke, all you have to be good, sing." Serke began to sing long and sang his most beautiful songs. When looked back through time, the cat was no longer in the place where he sat, lay two feline eyes. "What did you do? Just lost! "Then people long Serke not seen in these parts, but have heard that it is far from their villages composes and sings his beautiful song, and on his shoulder he always sits blind jungle cat.
About the failed fight with Haji Mukan torus Malik
On the shore of Lake Kyzyl - Kohl, in Suzak district, in the same village are living remnants of the detachment Kenessary Kasymova torus and tolenguty. Lived in this village in the 50-60 yy XX century strongman Malik - the torus, which could easily raise bgchka year-old, to pull out of the litter (boggy mud) camel. And the hero has decided to call for a duel Kazhi flour, then living in Tamerlanovke and the safety of retirement. Kazhi Mukan accepted the challenge, came to the village of Kyzyl - Kohl. Malik - torus in honor of the distinguished guest slaughtered a camel and he butchered it, reaching orkesha (hump), became of him and cut off pieces to eat. Kazhi Mukan at this point to his lips batiste handkerchief. Held a plentiful entertainment and Malik - torus asked, "Where and when will fight? '. At that Kazhi Mukan replied, "You, the torus is much stronger than me, I see it, and use techniques against you on my part would not be decent. Consider that your victory! ".
Ramazanova A.A.
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