Travel company "Season Travel Kz"


Tours of the Southern Kazakhstan:

Baikonur cosmodrome 
Космодром Байконур
Sairam-Ugam National Park 
Сайрам-Угамский национальный парк
Petroglyphs River Sazanata 
Петроглифы реки Сазаната
Lake Susingen
Озеро Сусынген
 Aksu Jabagly
Заповедник Аксу Жабаглы
Урочище Сарыайгыр
Lake Makpal  
Озеро Макпал

 Gorge Mashat

Ущелье Машат



  1. Three days in southern Kazakhstan
  2. Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan (12 days)
  3. The Silk Road
  4. The peaks of the Tien Shan
  5. River valleys
  6. Botanical tour
  7. The diversity of fauna
  8. The deserts of Kazakhstan
  9. days on the
  10. Horse tours
  11. Baikonur cosmodrome









Sairam - Ugam National Park:

 Territory National Park occupies the north-eastern position in the Western Tien - Shan mountain ranges and presented Ugham, Karzhantau and Boraldaytau and north - western branches of the Talas Alatau. In the park rivers Ugam, Sayramsu, Kaskasu, Burgulyuk, Badam, Mashat, Daubaba and Kokbulak.



  1. Lake Makpal
  2. Lake Susingen
  3. Petroglyphs River Sazanata
  4. Sayramsukol
  5. Saryaygyr - Camp South
  6. Сreek Boztorgai
  7. Peak Vladislav
  8. Kus Bazary





Season Travel Kz